Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Geneva, Switzerland (September 2008)

*This article was previously posted on a different blog of mine which has been deleted. 

Geneva and its famous Swiss watches

Inside the UN
It was my second trip to Geneva, third to Switzerland. As I was getting sick of my job, I decided to get out of it..I just couldn't work there anymore..I need a break. So, I bought a ticket to Geneva. Don't ask me why Geneva though! 

I took a KLM flight to Schiphol, then to Geneva. The journey reminds me of my first trip to the UK for my studies sometime ago. I was lucky as the connecting flight from Amsterdam to Geneva wasn't long. Even if you are stranded for a few hours at Schiphol, it's really alright as the airport is big and there are many things for you to do like do a little shopping or simply people watching!

My fav shop H&M!
Old city of Geneva
Bakery by the Old Town
I stayed at Hotel Royal Manotel which is just across the bridge and a 10 minutes walk to Geneva city. On my previous trip, I stayed at Residence Hotel St. James right at the heart of Geneva city. I recommend both hotels for anyone on a budget trip. Geneva is a nice city to relax. There are many United Nations (UN) affiliations around the city which you can visit. I went on an hour tour to the UN for the price of CHF12 (If I'm not mistaken). I got to see the assembly hall, which is usually featured on the news. Surprisingly, it was not as big as I expected! I also got to see gifts that are given from countries all over the world to the UN and understand more of the UN function. Overall, it was an interesting and knowledgeable tour.

Lovely scene at the Botanical Garden
Old city of Geneva is an interesting place to visit. In fact, I like the old city more than any parts of Geneva. Walking around the old city of Geneva felt like going back to the olden days. Besides that, I visited a huge park just off the city centre. It's a long walk, but worth it. The garden is huge and there weren't many people there when I went, so some areas can be a bit creepy, but I got to take as many pictures as I could without interruption!

Big bikes parked along a street 
As for shopping, be sure to stop by at any COOP. The price is good, and some of the souvenirs are cheaper here than at the typical spot where tourists go. If you aren't interested in shopping, just enjoy a stroll along the many parks in Geneva, bird watching or feeding the swans by beautiful Lake Geneva.  

Feed them!Feed them!
Geneva is a place to go if you need a place to relax and get your thoughts cleared, or just a place to visit for leisure. Though Switzerland is known as an expensive place to visit, Geneva, unlike other cities in Switzerland (Lake Lugano for instance), is still affordable. The people are just okay, not as friendly as other countries, but that's probably because they are neutral (like the country's international political standings)! As long as they don't bother my travels, I'd recommend Geneva to anyone :)

*I'll be re-posting my other travel blogs in the future on this site :)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Optimism Killed My Creativity (Or At Least I Hope I Had One!)

Whenever I have the time to blog and I feel like blogging and actually have the time to pen some words l'll log into this site...and...I end up staring at the white screen...for the longest time!!!

I remember the days when I could blog endlessly (on a different site). Perhaps it was because my mind was full of hatred ...to many things in life at that time. I changed into a new blog because I wanted to turn a new leaf, I wanted to be optimistic about ....lets just say I wanted to be optimistic on many things in life. Unfortunately, I realised that optimism kills creativity! Well, at least mine!

So from now on I'm going back to my oldself...and continue whining!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Irony of Censorship

Here I am writing about censorship again. Censorship is one form to control a society. In many countries, especially in Asian countries, censorship is vital to safeguard and uphold the morality of its society mainly from being influenced by foreign cultures; Western culture. Hence censorship can be witnessed in films, dramas, books, music, and other forms of media. Though generally there is a universal acceptance on what's right and wrong amongst Asians, censorship is rather subjective. It is no black or white matter. What is considered as "inappropriate" to one, may be "appropriate" to another. This is due to the demographics of the people consuming the media, even when we are all clustered as Asians. 

The problem with censorship that I see in our country is beyond this factor. Our problem is that censorship is done irrationally at times. Let's take music as an example. In Beyonce's If I Were a Boy, the word beer was censored. In Rihanna's Cheers (Drink to That), the word bastard was censored. There are many other ridiculous censoring done in music which annoys listeners. It's not because I'm assent to words such as bastards or any other foul words, it's just that censorship should be rational. It should be done beyond the literal meaning of the word itself. It should be done by analysing into the context of the song too. 

Though we are not native English speakers, in this nation, most listeners who listen to English songs are well versed in the language. Our vocabulary is beyond a beginner's level. Hence, we can read what's in between the lines. Sadly, those who censors the media for us either underestimate our knowledge of the language or worse, are not well versed in the language themselves. As a result, innocent words like shit and sex are censored for the fear of so-called Western influence, but songs like Akon's Smack That, or many of Pitbull's that sometimes contains detailed lewdness (according to Asian standard) are aired freely without censorship. So, what's there to censor, really?

Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Superficial World Indeed

Today I read that apparently humans like to be praised even if we know that the praise is insincere or even smell a tad of sarcasm. The research revealed that though outwardly we may not show the appropriate reaction to praises that are deceitful, indirectly, without us realising, we are psychologically inclined to it. Doesn't this show we are pathetic? 

Then I read another article. A research conducted by Harvard University revealed that when men look at beautiful faces, they feel the same as taking in cocaine. Could that be a euphoric sensation? Now, there's a solution to drug addicts!Thumbs up beautiful women! But, what happens to average looking women? 

Though both of these articles are based on research findings, I come to a sad conclusion: We live in a superficial world. 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Artificial Field and Imports

So the Malaysian football team lost to Singapore just now. Yet, I don't really feel bad. Of course, we've played better games prior to this, but yet a 5-3 lost is not something I'd feel devastated for several reasons.

Firstly, our team consist of pure, original, born-and-bred-Malaysian. Singapore's players on the other hand just look...foreign. Well, they, like many other "Singaporean athletes", are imports or shall I say foreigners with Singaporean citizenship. Which makes our team, a better team than theirs.

Secondly, I feel it was acceptable to lose since our players were not used to play in an artificial field, where the ball speed is faster and slippery. After all, our Malaysian team is used to play in real grass field. So, to the Malaysian football team, let's show what real football is when the Singaporean team play on our real grass field this coming Thursday.

Malaysia Boleh!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Dear Obama, Osama's Down...What's Next?

The world's Most Wanted has fallen. Al Qaeda leader killed. I couldn't believe my eyes when I first read it. I read it again and again. Thumbs up USA! Then I watched the speech by Obama. A speech though brief, yet will go down as one of the most important speeches in history. Of course, not to forget, a speech that could change Obama's fate this coming election.

Finally, the man has fallen. The irony is why does it take a great nation, the United States of America nearly ten years after the September 11 attacks to finally put a closure? Shouldn't Uncle Sam with all her renowned technological advancement have gotten hold of this 50-plus-old man with ragged top and lives on mountainous terrains a long time ago? 

So, what's next for the USA? What will happen to the Uniting and Providing America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (PATRIOT Act)? After all, one of the reason this act was established was due to the September 11 attacks. Will the act which will expire end of this May be renewed, amended or abolished?

Obama cleverly mentioned in his speech that America is not fighting with Islam. So, with Obama saying that Osama's down, and the world a better place, can Muslims now feel safe in the USA? Will there not be any form of human rights violation intrude upon the Muslims after this? Will there not be anymore so-called "random security checks" on Ali, Ahmad and Muhammad surnames? 

Obama has indeed done an excellent job. Definitely better than his oaf predecessor Bush. The Muslim world have not forgotten his speech in Cairo back in 2009. However, he has a long way to go to show that he is indeed a man of his words. Especially to the Muslims, and in particular the American Muslims.

Friday, March 25, 2011

How Much of Media Censorship is Appropriate?

To censor..or not to censor? It's a gray area and a tricky decision. What is viewed as inappropriate to one, may be subtle or not a big deal to another, especially in a heterogeneous society. Asian media have tighter guidelines on censorship as compared to Western media. However, censorship varies even within the Asian media itself, as some countries are lenient while others strict. 

Media censorship does not take away society's right to freedom of information, instead it helps to draw the line between what's morally right and what's immoral. It helps to influence the morality of a society. I believe that media censorship is also necessary in accordance to the society's conformity. I also believe that the person who has the accountability to censor what is viewed or heard by the whole nation must be well versed in the job. They cannot merely handle the task based on ethical guidelines given on a piece of paper. Instead, they have to be able to analyse critically what their job entails before making the cut.

Sadly, I see discrepancies in our media censorship. For instance, some parts of Beyonce's If I Were a Boy was censored simply because the lyrics said "Drink beer with the guys" (The word beer was censored). Same goes for the song Hey Soul Sister by Train where the word virgin was cut. My question is, what's wrong with the word beer and virgin? Virginity is a taboo topic in many Asian cultures, but what is taboo within a society does not necessarily be vulgar, does it? If words such as beer and virgin is inappropriate, how come the famous Smack That song by Akon is not? After all, if one were to analyse the lyrics, one would find a lot of vulgarities well described. The song of course got through simply because there was no taboo words in it. Or perhaps because the Smart Aleck does not understand the song at all!

This brings me to a new incident - movies. Just a few weeks back I went to watch Black Swan at the cinema, not knowing what it was all about prior to watching it. Today, I went to watch The King's Speech. Now both these movies are world's apart, but what connects them is that both contained scenes which are deemed inappropriate (to the Asian perspective). However, if they were to censor these scenes, audience wouldn't understand the story. Thus, I assume that's why these scenes were maintained. Good job! 

My next question is, if scenes of a person touching herself (in Black Swan) and another about a king swearing every vulgar word you can think of can be released without censoring, why does a scene of an innocent kiss in the classic movie Sound of Music censored? 

There are many more of similar incidents in our media. It is annoying when censorship is done without rationality. Where exactly do we draw the line between what's appropriate and what's not?