Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's a New Year and a Revamp of My Old Blog!

I will no longer be blogging on BEING ME anymore. I've decided to make a revamp of my blogging.  This is part of my resolution for 2011. I don't usually make New Year resolutions because sadly only 50 percent of my resolutions work. Probably because I had too many on the list. So, this time around, I'll stick to a few:
  1. I shall not skip my weekend gym sessions as much as I had in the past ...and shall cease having the delicious chocolate shake across the gym right after!
  2. Increase my Korean-language vocab and understand the language better.
  3. I shall not procrastinate on certain matters as in the past.
Now we've only been in the first week of 2011, but so far it's been going quite good.  I just received a promotion two days ago after coming back from a short holiday. Also, bonus is around the corner ... Wohoo! and finally, I've qualified for this optional programme whereby I can take 3 months break starting from 2012. Yippie! Perhaps I should take that programme next year and revisit Egypt. I'll have to buy a good DSLR  camera before that :)

May 2011 be a blast!

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